
The Servant’s Diary




Rev. Roger Cheng

English Worship


Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 6:3-7:1 (NASB)

3 giving no cause for offense in anything, so that the ministry will not be discredited,

4 but in everything commending ourselves as servants of God, in much endurance, in afflictions, in hardships, in distresses,

5 in beatings, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in hunger,

6 in purity, in knowledge, in patience, in kindness, in the Holy Spirit, in genuine love,

7 in the word of truth, in the power of God; by the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and the left,

8 by glory and dishonor, by evil report and good report; regarded as deceivers and yet true;

9 as unknown yet well-known, as dying yet behold, we live; as punished yet not put to death,

10 as sorrowful yet always rejoicing, as poor yet making many rich, as having nothing yet possessing all things.

11 Our mouth has spoken freely to you, O Corinthians, our heart is opened wide.

12 You are not restrained by us, but you are restrained in your own affections.

13 Now in a like exchange—I speak as to children—open wide to us also.

14 Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15 Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?

16 Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said,

I will dwell in them and walk among them;

And I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

17 “Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate,” says the Lord.

And do not touch what is unclean;

And I will welcome you.

18 “And I will be a father to you,

And you shall be sons and daughters to Me,”

Says the Lord Almighty.

1 Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

Sermon Notes



I. _______________________ as proven God’s servants

a. Proof of ____________________ (:3-7)

b. Proof of ____________________ (:8-10)

c. Proof of ____________________ (:11-13)

II. ___________________________ as proven God’s vessels

a. Proof of ____________________ (:14-16a)

b. Proof of ____________________ (:16b-18)

c. Proof of ____________________ (:7-1)


Reflect & Commit ... Pursue ... Live out ... Display ...

創世記 第 1 章

1 : 1   起初, 神創造天地。
1 : 2   地是空虛混沌,深淵上面一片黑暗; 神的靈 運行在水面上。
1 : 3    神說:「要有光」,就有了光。
1 : 4    神看光是好的,於是 神就把光和暗分開。
1 : 5    神稱光為「晝」,稱暗為「夜」。有晚上,有早晨,這是第一日。
1 : 6    神說:「眾水之間要有穹蒼,把水和水分開。」
1 : 7    神就造了穹蒼,把穹蒼以下的水和穹蒼以上的水分開。事就這樣成了。
1 : 8    神稱穹蒼為「天」。有晚上,有早晨,這是第二日。
1 : 9    神說:「天下面的水要聚集在一處,使乾地露出來。」事就這樣成了。
1 : 10    神稱乾地為「地」,稱聚集在一起的水為「海」。 神看為好的。
1 : 11    神說:「地要長出植物,就是含種子的五穀菜蔬,和會結果子、果子裏有種子的樹,在地上各從其類。」事就這樣成了。
1 : 12   於是地長出了植物:含種子的五穀菜蔬,各從其類;會結果子、果子裏有種子的樹,各從其類。 神看為好的。
1 : 13   有晚上,有早晨,這是第三日。
1 : 14    神說:「天上要有光體來分晝夜,讓它們作記號,定季節、日子、年份,
1 : 15   它們要在天空發光,照在地上。」事就這樣成了。
1 : 16   於是 神造了兩個大光體,大的管晝,小的管夜,又造了星辰。
1 : 17    神把這些光體擺列在天空,照在地上,
1 : 18   管理晝夜,分別光暗。 神看為好的。
1 : 19   有晚上,有早晨,這是第四日。
1 : 20    神說:「水要滋生眾多有生命之物;要有鳥飛在地面以上,天空之中。」
1 : 21    神就創造了大魚和在水裏滋生的各樣活動的生物,各從其類,以及各樣有翅膀的鳥,各從其類。 神看為好的。
1 : 22    神就賜福給這一切,說:「要繁殖增多,充滿在海的水裏;飛鳥也要在地上增多。」
1 : 23   有晚上,有早晨,這是第五日。
1 : 24    神說:「地要生出有生命之物,各從其類,就是牲畜、爬行動物、地上的走獸,各從其類。」事就這樣成了。
1 : 25   於是 神造了地上的走獸,各從其類;牲畜,各從其類;和地上一切的爬行動物,各從其類。 神看為好的。
1 : 26    神說:「我們要照着我們的形像,按着我們的樣式造人,使他們管理海裏的魚、天空的鳥、地上的牲畜和全地,以及地上爬的一切爬行動物。」
1 : 27    神就照着他的形像創造人,照着 神的形像創造他們;他創造了他們,有男有女。
1 : 28    神賜福給他們, 神對他們說:「要生養眾多,遍滿這地,治理它;要管理海裏的魚、天空的鳥和地上各樣活動的生物。」
1 : 29    神說:「看哪,我把全地一切含種子的五穀菜蔬和一切會結果子、果子裏有種子的樹,都賜給你們;這些都可作食物。
1 : 30   至於地上一切的走獸、天空一切的飛鳥,並一切在地上爬行的,有生命的動物,我把綠色植物賜給牠們作食物。」事就這樣成了。
1 : 31    神看一切所造的,看哪,都非常好。有晚上,有早晨,這是第六日。